frequently asked questions

how can therapy help me? Therapy is intended to be a safe space where a trained mental health professional can work with you to help understand what causes you the most distress and come up with a plan to provide relief, happiness, and a renewed sense of self. Much like going to your medical doctor when you have a physical ailment, going to therapy can provide a similar, emotional relief. Therapy will provide you with tools and insight you need to become who you want to be, to teach you to be self-reliant on your own talents, skills, and leverage the relationships of the people that matter most to you. ​

i've never needed, or been to, therapy before so why should i start now? We all have our own abilities and strengths that we utilize when we are going through difficult times. We may have gained these amazing traits from our upbringing or by learning from previous life experiences. But there are also times when we feel overwhelmed with sadness, anger, despair, trauma, and grief. In those moments of dispair, we have to be honest with ourselves and make a choice to make a change. Change only comes from self-recognition that help from a trained mental health professional is the best course of action. You deserve to feel your version of joy, happiness, and relief.

why go to therapy? People go to therapy for several reasons but the most common motivation to attend is that they know they need extra help to get through what is causing them distress. There may be times where they don't know what's ailing them, they just know that they aren't happy, and that's more than enough to find support. If you know, deep down inside, that what you're feeling, thinking, or your actions are not what you want for yourself or your loves ones, then that's the best sign that therapy may be a good fit for you.

what to expect when you attend? The first session will consist of you and I getting to know one another, answering any questions you may have, reviewing expectations and discussing general goals for therapy. I will offer insight for the most appropriate treatment with your critical input. The connection between therapist and client is important so use this opportunity to determine suitability. The general outline of how future sessions will go will also be provided.

how do I know that everything remains confidential? Confidentiality is one of the most important, ethical obligations of a therapist. Confidentiality allows for a trusting relationship where honesty and transparency is cultivated. This is extremely important to the therapeutic process. There are a few exceptions to ensure the safety of the client and the general public. Those exceptions will be discussed in detail at your first session and can be reviewed at any time throughout therapy, if needed. ​

where do i start? There are resources online that can help you determine the best plan of action. When looking for a credible therapist, keep some of these points in mind: ​ credentialing -A licensed mental health provider should have credentialing that is recognized in some capacity. Do your research to determine if their training supports your concerns. -Always feel free to ask your therapist about their credentialing and any other questions related to their training and education. ​  the right fit ​​-Trust yourself. If you don't feel comfortable or feel like you cannot be yourself with a therapist, it probably means they aren't a good fit. -Take a moment after your session to check in with yourself and determine if you felt it was beneficial for you. ​ research -​Take the time to research different therapists. You can determine suitability based on proximity, areas of expertise, years of experience, etc. ​  alliance -You are THE expert on you, so your therapist should work with you to identify goals for treatment. It is truly a supportive alliance.